I hereby state that I, Travis McFarland, take no responsibility for anything that may happen to you as a result of viewing this page. I do not take responsibility for the following:
Fire damage,
Water damage,
Wind damage,
Earth Damage,
ABBA damage,
Acts of God,
Acts of Nature,
Giant Killer Bees,
Death in the family,
Being beaten by me,
Malfunctioning computer devices,
Manipulative old billionaires,
Emotional Distress,
Mental Instability,
Acts of Boyce,
Strange men in black suits,
TEAD coming to incenerate you,
Chemical Weapons,
The FBI,
The CIA,
The DUI....no wait
The DEA,
You must realize that this page and everything in it is all for fun. I love living in Tooele and I'm not making fun of the town in any way. (well I am but it's my sense of humour talking) If you for some reason feel as if you are offended by this page then by all means, e-mail me and tell me about it. However, don't e-mail saying things like "You should have more pride for your city" or "It's giving our community a bad image". No it's not....if I was from out of state and I saw this page, I'd love it to know that the people of Tooele County have little sense of humour about the whole toxins thing. I'd like a valid (and intelligent) reason why you dislike the page. This comments contained within these pages are not those of the community of Tooele City or the Tooele County School District. Merely, they are the opinions of one very bored teenager who is just trying to have a little fun. You must remember, you can't sue me for having a little fun, I in no way mean anything on this page. There is actually useful stuff to read about! So just get a little sense of humour and if you are still offended.....leave. That "back button" beckons you.